Building Trades

The construction industry is unique among sectors. Its workplaces change constantly as stages of construction are completed and workers move from site to site, often following seasonal patterns. Unlike many workplace programs, SkillPlan responses are as varied as the industry it serves. 

Support To Individuals

Direct assistance to members includes providing tutors, study groups and classroom delivery. A third year carpentry apprentice may need to refresh trigonometry skills. Another member may be interested in improving reading skills to remember important points. For yet another, the need may be to write a resume. Still others have needs triggered by life outside of work. The needs vary and so do the responses. Upgrading essential skills supports individuals who want to be able to make choices and be successful. Individuals make up the pool of human resources available to unions and the industry. 

It's been a long time since I was in school and technical training is a lot more intense than I expected. With SkillPlan's help, I've learned to remember what I read and take better notes.


Partners in a Network

The building trades have a long history of commitment to training through specific training plans. These organizations represent a network of more than 100 trainers. SkillPlan offers professional support for course development, test design and clear language. Some of our short delivery courses include Study Skills, Test Taking, Using Documents, Writing Resumes, Coaching, and Using Your Calculator. Support to the industry infrastructure is cost effective. When individuals are prepared, delivery of trades training "sticks". Better curriculums, selection processes and teaching methods also contribute to better trades training.

SkillPlan's involvement with our members helps tremendously. It cuts down on the class time I have to spend with students with problems. Without SkillPlan, we would have lost these people.

--Training Plan Instructor


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