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Online Training

SkillPlan offers Online Training
for the following Essential Skills Resources:


Controlling Complexity

Numeracy at Work

Reading at Work

Thinking Strategies for Numeracy



Controlling Complexity Online Support



Understand the elements of question structure.  Explore how the complexity of questions can be controlled in order to scaffold learning.

  • Participants commit to reading the book and doing its exercises section by section outside of session times. Sessions are used as a forum for discussion, feedback, and support around the exercises and readings completed each week.  
  • The online format provides participants an opportunity to engage in discussions with other educators about question structure theory and practice.

Click for details and registration form (pdf)


A session series: 4 sessions, 90 minutes each, once a week.
Courses start according to Pacific Time.

Course 04 – Coming this Spring 2012 - Mondays

Additional session series can be arranged for groups of 5 to 10 participants upon request.


Numeracy at Work

Numeracy at Work



This course introduces practitioners to examples which illustrate on-the-job applications of numeracy: Money Math, Scheduling or Budgeting and Accounting Math, Measurement Math, and Data Analysis Math. Two online sessions, each approximately 2 hours in length, uses SkillPlan’s publication, Numeracy at Work. Assignments and group discussion will focus on how work applications can be used in instruction.

Click for details and registration form (pdf)


Two day online course (once per week).
Approximate time per session is 90 to 120 mins.
Courses start according to Pacific Time.

Course 09: Coming Spring 2012
Session 1 -
Session 2 -

Reading at Work

Reading at Work



This is an introductory course that assists practitioners interested in linking instruction to workplace applications, in particular, thinking about reading as information processing. The Reading at Work course consists of three online sessions (up to 2 hours each) that review transferable reading strategies by using SkillPlan publications, Workplace Reader and Facilitator's Guide. The sessions will include a detailed orientation to both publications and topics of interest to the participants.

Click for details and registration form (pdf)


Three day online course (once per week).
Approximate time per session is 90 to 120 mins.
Courses start according to Pacific Time.

Course 12: Coming Spring 2012
Session 1 -
Session 2 -
Session 3 -



Thinking Strategies for Numeracy



This course guides practitioners through a way to teach thinking strategies using workplace Numeracy applications. The Thinking Strategies for Numeracy course consists of two on-line sessions (each 2 hours or less) that introduce the thinking strategies and demonstrate how to teach these strategies using the SkillPlan publication, Thinking Strategies for Numeracy. The sessions will include a detailed orientation to the publication and its companion e-book teaching aid.

Click for details and registration form (pdf)


Two day course (once per week).
Approximate time per session is 90 to 120 mins.
Courses start according to Pacific Time.

Course 11: Coming Spring 2012 - Mondays
Session 1 -
Session 2 -


SkillPlan can arrange to have sessions for groups of 5 or more. Contact us if you are interested in this option.


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